Friday, December 24, 2004

There is an Exit

I have on occasions frequented this existenial poet's blog. I am the only visitor thus far who has commented on the journal. The following is my response to this poet's latest blog entitled "Le Mythe de sysphe", which the author borrowed from Albert Camus, the noted French existentialist. This blogger's lament is that science explains nothing of life and the universe.

My comments are as follows. There are puns and double-entrendres regarding Camus (sorry about that).

You intrigue me.

You are not what you are at any given moment
You are what you are not
You are your future which is not yet
And your past which is no longer

I have just distilled the existentialistic you in four lines. Is this why you called yourself "Zero"?

There is no exit with Camus. Camus is dead. Existentialism is the pseudo-intellectual thief who robs you of your youth and years. It is a Sisyphean task to find the meaning of life via Camus or in any philosophical pursuit. Don't let it.

The vast heavens are telling, the smallest neutrinos are telling - there is a divine order in the universe. Cosmology can only get it down to three seconds before the Big Bang. The mathematically deduced explanation of how the universe is formed is still missing three seconds.

God is not a mathematical formula. Neither is He anything we can postulate.

You are obviously a very educated, talented, and prolific writer. Thus far, your existential prose reveals only the pessimistic ephemeral "Zero." Is there an extrovert, an exuberant, a solidly grounded side of you?

Anyway, all that philosophical stuff aside, let me be the first one to extend you the warmest of Christmas wish on this day.


Anonymous said...

i got ur mail.
i'm not 10 anymore. Dun worry.:P