Sunday, December 26, 2004

An Honest Thought of Christmas

A foreign student studying in England wrote unprententiously in this blog about Christmas:

What is Christmas to me? Apart from Christmas presents & Christmas sale shopping, nothing much I guess. As I don't believe in God, neither Jesus.

I do eat turkey + gravy, I love Christmas crackers the most, I collect little toys inside, I like to wear the paper crown. I never try mince pie though, maybe next year.

The last time I was ill on Christmas Day... was something like 13 years ago... I remember I did not eat any food on that day while all my relatives were around my house having a party & feast, & I was dying on the bed. This year, I am ill again, I down the whole bottle of medicine & waiting for miracle to come.

I left the following remarks on this person's journal:

With regard to Jesus and His birth, you have a trilemma. Only one of the following three alternative is true. The trilemma is this:

1. Jesus was a liar

2. Jesus was a lunatic

3. Jesus was and is God

I suppose I am not being fair by making you think when you are ill...


A' said...

I'm not sure why you posted your comment on their blog. Were you trying to spark some sort of thought to bring them to an understanding of Christ. If you were, I'm not sure that was the best prod with which to begin. Perhaps an initial question simply to understand their beliefs would have been more appropriate. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments 'A'...

This collegiate student made an statement to the blogosphere regarding Christmas. He welcome comments. I chanced upon the blog. I commented.

Blogging is not the forum for seminal discussions. One writes, reads, comments, and moves on. There is no this way to blog or that way to comment. Rebutting or breaking the 'Da Vince Code', for example, will get totally unthreaded or misdirected after several layers of comments in an open forum blog.

After reading my comments, this student could response in one of four fashions or something to the effect:

1) Silence. No response.

2) Oh, brother. A Jesus freak.

3) L'Evnoi, here is what I think of your comments... you suck.

4) Hmm.... Jesus a trilemma. A very interesting proposition. Why haven't I heard about it my humanities classes? I am glad this L'Envoi person wrote something pithy in his response.

As for me, given this is the Christmas season, and the crust of Christianity is this: What do you do with Jesus?

I took the opportunity to share with this student this very question.

Que sera sera.

Again, thanks for stopping by.


A' said...

I understand that he has invited comments by posting on a blog. However, "everything is permissible, not everything is beneficial." Therefore, we should use caution when throwing out "well it's not wrong." Just because it's not wrong doesn't make it right. I'm not trying to preach at you. My simple point is this: Are the odds in your favor that your comment will have positive benefits? I'm thinking the likelihood of seeing this person impacted positively is rather slim. That's all I was trying to say.
I'll talk to ya later.