Thursday, December 23, 2004

Fools Rush in Where Angels Fear to Tread

I wrote the following text on a subject today:

'Love's function is to fabricate unknownness. That known is being wishless, but love, is all of wishing.' She wishes. He wishes.

To seperate the wheat from the chaff, the female in wish of a "good" husband could start by asking the suitors three riddles as follows:

1. What phantom dies each dawn but each night is reborn in the heart?

2. What blazes up when you think of great deeds, is hot in love, and grows cold when you die?

3. What is the ice that sets you on fire?

If there are males wanting to take on riddles such as these, then at the very least, they possess a much wished but often lacking mental faculty in a man-woman relationship. Imagination.

To love and to sustain love, it requires imagination.


Carol said...

1. Hope
2. Blood
3. Turandot (well it set Calef on fire)