Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Feather in the Cap

I watch the Superbowl more for the commercials than the game itself. This year was no difference. The funniest commercial shown at this year's bowl game was the FedEx cavemen segment. In this 45 second spot, a caveman shipped a package tied to the leg of a pterodactyl. Needless to say, the bird was snatched away by a T-Rex with one fell swoop. It was murder most fowl.

The Seahawks couldn't take flight either. The Steelers racked and roasted the sea birds for the supper bowl. Perhaps next year the Seahawks will rise from the ashes for another championship game.

During the the second half of the game I drifted away from the telly. I went to my desktop and started making some palm books. Before the game was over, I had four chapters of the Westminster Confession of Faith coded for the Palm book reader.