Saturday, March 26, 2005

A Good Question

A blogger posed this question: what is "knowledge". It was more of a rhetorical question. Perhaps the author just wanted to noted this question for later reflection. My two-cents' worth of comments is as follows:

Your referenced definition for a 'correct and objective' reflection of systemic knowledge of things' is fuzzy and meaningless. It doesn't explain what constitues "learn and inquire".

To "learn and inquire" requires thoughts and things. Without thoughts, there will be no connection to things. Without things, there will be no reality. Therefore, knowledge (learning + inquery)=thoughts and things.
In other words, knowledge is a union of thoughts and things. And the two are no longer distinct in the mind. Here is the rub, however.

What is your reality? What is my reality? If your reality is different than mine, then knowledge is subjective.

Another question is this: is knowledge wisdom?

You have opened up a can of philosophical worms by asking what is "learn and inquire"...