Saturday, November 06, 2004

The Providential Election

There is a plethora of postmortems why Senator Kerry did not win the 2004 presidential elections. They are all very similar in diagnosis. I like to entertain heretofore an unexplored explanation. Senator Kerry was not destined to win this presidential election. Only God could have written, produced, and directed the implausible screen plays for George W. Bush's winning the two presidential elections.

Our United States, once founded upon Judeo-Christian principals, is now drowning in a sea of discontent and ever angry secularism from within. It now also facing the rising tides of post 9-11 Islamofascism from abroad. The country is treading precariously in a roiling sea of hate.

Christianity always seems like one generation away from extinction. Yet God never fails His own. He has a way of passing the baton to the next chosen one to race ahead of Satan in this pre-ordained contest. I am inclined to think George W. Bush has walked and is walking in the light of God's countenance (Psalm 89:15-18). His presidency is an act of Providence. His faith and moral clarity could be viewed as a beacon of hope, purpose, and anchor for the world's last and strongest bastion of Christianity.

In Ephesian 1, verse 10, Paul speaks of how God is a good steward with the history of His creation, which includes man. He manages this world well, not only as it relates to people in general, but most important, how it relates to our salvation. God has a plan for this president (and all believers). Perhaps God's purpose for this president is to take on a pivotal role in the on-going spiritual warfare with evil (Ephesians 6:12), thus ensuring the message of salvation goes forth still.

Suggested readings:

On Secularism in US Politics:
Read Here

On the Isalimzation of Europe:
Read Here

On Islamofascism Rising in Holland:
Read Here 1 of 2
Read Here 2 of 2