Monday, November 29, 2004

AC or DC, That is the Question

A follow-up to the Perpetual Kitten blog.

For years we have placed chicken wire on various parts of the yardscape where cats would most likely go to do their business. They have worked effectively as a deterrent and are very durable to this day.

Ironically, the largest area where we didn't have problems before was the lawn. Now, that's changed. One section of the front lawn has become the favorite hangout to which our neighbor's cat or likes to frequent.

As a short term tactical ward, we have implemented a two tier defence against Le Moka la Reine de Poop (Mocha the Poop Queen). A layer of chicken wire has been placed over the hot spots. Then later in the evening, the lawn sprinkler system will activate for a few minutes to wet the grass. In any case, the chicken wire would have to be removed on the day the grass is mowed. A long term proactive and more aesthetic solution is needed.

Some high tech pet motion detection and deterrent devices are now being considered. Which to get, AC or DC powered? How about one of each?

Wouldn't it be nice if there were an AC/DC glowworm ala the Mills Brothers song we could deploy against Le Moka?

Till then (another Mills Brothers song),
to sleep, perchance to dream of a good pet motion detection gizmo; ay, there is the rub.

The saga continues.