Saturday, November 26, 2005

Acknowledger of All Things Worthwhile

Among other usual junk mail I receive daily, two authors had recently sent invitations to my book reviewer's account. One appeared to be a published author. He invited me (and others I presumed) to visit his blog. The invitation read like a spam. I have filed it in the "Second Look" folder.

The second author, or want-to-be author, wrote a long resume of sorts as an introduction. He wished me to read and comment on the first ten chapters of his unpublished book.

This up-and-coming author began in his invite as follows:

'While browsing Amazon reviews I came across yours for Percy’s “The Moviegoer” and decided that I’d send this message to ask if you, as an avid reader and acknowledger of all things worthwhile, would consider reading a bit of my novel, FUTUREPROOF...'

I can see it now. I, the Book Reviewer and Acknowledger of All Things Worthwhile, walking down the Halls of the Unpublished Purgatory, and let each of these languishing souls bow and kiss my ring.

I'd expected a vote from this "Futureproof" author on my review of "The Moviegoer." Not even as a token prelude to his request, he didn't vote.

Would I excuse his insolence and condescend to read his draft, you ask?
Well, my friends, The Acknowledger of All Things Worthwhile says: Que Sera Sera.

If you are inclined to read and comment of this unpublished work, go to Futureproof.

There will be no audience with His Worthwhileness today. He will leave presently to see the new "Pride & Prejudice" movie at a theater near him. No puns please. LOL.