Saturday, October 19, 2013

Google Hangouts Version 1.3 Is Not For Me

Google's latest release of Hangouts v. 1.3 for iOS 6 and newer is both good and bad.

If one has a Google Voice number, and access to a fast and dependable WI-FI as I, then this is a good app to make free phone calls and videos in the United States and Canada. The quality of the voice calls is very good.

I HAD the app installed on my iPod Touch 4S, iPhone 5S, and the iPad 3.

After the input of my Google Voice number on my iPhone 5S, I waited for the required Google's verification code. By the way, the quickest way to get this code is open the Google Voice app and look for the sent SMS containing the verification code. After having received the 4-digit verification code, I keyed it in the paused installation process. The SMS was also sent to my Gmail. It did take longer for the confirmation code to arrive in my Gmail.

Now, the first bad thing. One is required to join or has already joined Google+ before the installation can proceed. This Google+ membership may or may not be the thing to have. Once joined, however, the Google tentacles latch on and tether the person to its matrix.

During the app installation, if one approves to have the Gmail contacts linked, this is where the unpleasantness and annoyance really got amplified. I approved the contact list link just to see what I was getting into.

Well, Google linked practically all of my Gmail account contacts into this Hangouts app. It also populated the contact list in all of my iOS devices where Hangouts were installed. The first tier of linked contacts to surface in the finished installed app was those addresses with the predominant domains of Gmail, Comcast, and MSN. Google categorized these contacts as people I should persuade or suggest to join Google +.

Note: There was no built-in provision in Hangouts version 1.3 to selectively allow the exclusions on linked contacts. It was an all or nothing contact list linked.

The only way to remove linked contacts from Hangouts is to go back to the Contacts in either Gmail or Google Voice and selectively delete them. Yes, delete. A painful and permanent exclusion to be sure. If this exercise raises seriously doubt in one's mind whether to continue to take the plunge into this new rabbit hole, consider deleting Google+.

This is very important: If one is so inclined to check out this Hangouts app, do not import contacts during installation. If WI-FI connectivity is poor or not accessible, this app will default to a subscribed data plan minutes.

As for me, I gave up on the iOS Hangouts app and deleted my Google+ account. The whole Google+ thing was more trouble than it's worth. For now, my Google Voice number and its VoIP setup for making free calls should do just fine.

- a L'envoi iPad 3 post
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