Friday, December 30, 2005

2006 A.D.

One more calendar day, it will be the year 2006. Properly stated, it is "2006, Anno Domini Nostri Iesu Christi" (2006, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ).

World history revolves around anno domini nostri iesu christi. Whether one is Christian or not, it is immaterial. His days on this earth are bounded by this calendrical dating. The world is bound by this calendar as well.

It behooves us not to shrug off this dating convention, or to simply hiding the anti-Christian sentiments by changing the A.D. to C.E. (Common Era). There is nothing common or ordinary about Christ's birth we'd just celebrated.

Each of us will walk a chosen path in 2006, in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ. So then, will we ever learn and remember to number our days, and apply our hearts unto wisdom in the new year God thus favors us?


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