Saturday, May 14, 2005

And Eventful Day Thus Far

This has been an atypical morning. I did some good and some not so good things. Let me count the vibes.

1. Good vibes. Uploaded a Richard Wynands Trio tune - Daydream.

2. Good vibes. Exhanged e-mail with a blog friend.

3. Mixed vibes. Filed insurance claim to have my roadway damaaged vehicle windshield replaced on Monday. It has 20+" crack. The deductable will be $50.00.

4. Mixed vibes. Recycled alumninum cans. Over 60% of the cans were from my brother who is living in the City by the Bay. He never recycles his cans. I had to wait 45 minuntes for my turn under a 78°F|26°C sun. Not too hot. There was just one guy before me. He got a truck load of recyclables. I had only 4 garbage bags.

5. Good vibes. Used $28.00 of the recycle refunds to buy fruit and snacks. I had to spend another six to cover the extravagance like cheese cake and red sauce chicken enchilada.

6. Good vibes. Renewed my annual acquaintenance with the Vets who are out collecting funds for the VFW (Veterrans fo Foreign Wars).

7. Bad vibes. Derailed my computer desk drawer when I fell on the desk. It was a result of my tripping over the carpet mat.

8. Good vibes. Going to SF to have a belated Mother's Day dinner with the mater.

All things considered... it is a day the Lord has made. I am thankful and glad that He did.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I like you count your vibes. Sometimes the unusual things I meet really please me. Even, I think God is just like a naive and naughty child. :)

I heard a little story.
A little girl looks at her newborn brother and asks, "Do you remember God's look?"

Anonymous said...

The little girl in this story reminds me of another lassie from "The Butterfuly." Delightful and innocence. I like the story very much. Thank you.

Let me ask you a question. If you receive a paper-cut on your finger, do you think it's God's doing?
