Saturday, January 08, 2005

It is a Guy Thing

Almost a month ago last December, I wrote about my WLAN in 66_2/3% Solution not issuing an IP address to my IPAQ 5550. Two days ago, I reset the Linksys router and had it's power supply connected to an automatic voltage regulator battery back-up unit. This battery unit was a Christmas gift to myself. Among other things, it was purchased with the BestBuy store coupons I was rewarded in October 2004. The IPAQ is once more linked up to the router and the Internet.

Truth to tell, I really don't need all these wireless gismos at home. Since the agency has provided me such an expensive toy, I might as well get it linked to the Internet.

Now, the IPAQ built-in Bluetooth technology is the only thing left I've not tried to make it work. Some female would probably say to me regarding this, "You don't need it." Guys don't say this to each other.

Whenever a she questions my motives and sanity, my fail-safe answer is to plead guilty to the character fault of the male of the species. The ticket for a safe passage is confess to the inquisitor, "It's a guy thing."


Anonymous said...

Well if you have, or get, a blue tooth enabled cellular phone you can link them and use the phone as a modem for your handheld and get on the internet from say the grocery store or restaurant. Why would you want to do this? Well why not! I also have this character flaw that my wife has learned to adjust to.
