Sunday, May 12, 2024

Prayer for Our Mothers

"Father of Life, fold in the everlasting arms of Thy love the torch-bearers of life—the mothers of the race. As they struggle up the steeps of motherhood, through its travail of mind, body and spirit, give them a clearer vision and a guiding wisdom; grant them the compensation of a love returned and understood, and the ultimate satisfaction of knowing that they have lifted those entrusted to their care up into helpful harmony with Thy kingdom.

Bestow an especial tenderness on those who, having borne no children, nevertheless exert the sweet ministries of motherhood over their home circle.

Comfort all lonely, unmothered hearts.

Grant the ever-steadying power of Thy support through the daily discouragements, the clash and readjustments of ideals, and the anguish of bereavement that come into all mothers' lives. Increase, we pray, their cheerful steadfastness, their wistful, selfless strength; and at the close of their day, may they enter into rest with faith undimmed, and unafraid."

Copyrighted 1911. Studio Press, Philadelphia, PA.