Wednesday, March 30, 2022

February 2022 Personal Inflation Indice

The national CPI addressed the "average" expense for a basket of goods. The argument is the same for the analogy of not using the "average" national family size of 3.1. Thus national CPI average inflation indice should not apply to every family due to differences in demographics, age, dependents, and etc.

As applied to me, a fine tuning of the national inflation indice was appropriate. I calculated three life-style representative CPI categories. The conclusion for the inflation affect personally was less severely felt.

Here are the three CPI categories compared in February:

  • Food and Beverages (National Inflation Index): 7.6%

    Personal: 2.5%

  • Transportation (National Inflation Index): 21.1%

    Personal: 1.5%

  • Other Goods and Services (National Inflation Index): 5.6%

    Personal (Monthly Bills Only): 3.4%