Thursday, November 17, 2011

Anlässe schaffen

"Gute Souvenirs helfen, dem entgegenzuwirken, und wir sollten Anlässe schaffen, um uns zu erinnern. Meistens tragen wir das Gefühl einer Reise noch in uns, strengen uns aber nicht an, es wieder hervorzurufen, Ein Andenken macht es leicht möglich, Gefühle, Erinnerungen und Momente wieder einzufangen. Je persönlicher ein Souvenir ist, desto besser. Ich mache gern Fotos oder schreibe über Orte. Ich bin ein wortbasierter Souvenirjäger"   -- Alain de Botton

It was a year ago this month the garden crew from Roger's nursery re-landscaped the yards and garden at my house. For some 60-plus years, Roger's has planted and nurtured many a garden in our town. Along the way, it also nurtured many an amateur gardener. Sadly, however, today is Roger's nursery last business day. A lamentable occasion, indeed.

In the words of de Botton, I needed a good souvenir by which to remember the Roger nursery Even though it was not a tourist spot by any stretch of the imagination, the nusery was definitely a landmark. It has imprinted its color on the fabric this community. I have a citrus tree row in my garden which include navel orange, Satsuma mandarin, Clementine mandarin, and Meyer lemon. To complement the said fruit tree theme, I bought one of two remaining Chinese Grapefruit trees at the nursery. Now, that's a memento and a conversation piece for an occasion that is hard to forget.