Monday, September 06, 2010

Stephen Hawking's Leaky Design

Wisdom lies only in truth -- Goethe

Stephen Hawking, the cosmologist and former Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University, has a new book out. It's called the The Grand Design.

Accordingly, Hawking theorizes gravity is the only unifying force - his god - which gives us the Big Bang and the consequential universe. He writes, "Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing." He is making a grand personal conjecture no different than that of the primordial soup theory. It is not an established scientific fact what he says here.

I have just two unlearned questions for Dr. Hawking: How do these laws of physics come into being?

And, can you say, or rather, demonstratively disprove the Julie Andrews axiom, "Nothing came from nothing. Nothing ever could."* with a replicable experiment?

He writes elsewhere in his new book, "The fact that we human beings – who are ourselves mere collections of fundamental particles of nature – have been able to come this close to an understanding of the laws governing us and our universe is a great triumph." His unabashed glorification of humanism.

Stephen Hawking is Carl Sagan 2.0. As in the case of Sagan, Hawking is blurring science and his brand of scientific atheism. Both authors commingled haughty personal believes and science, with emphasis and conviction on the former.

Nothing like including a "there is no God" thematic argument to sell a book. Nonetheless, the Grand Design is leaky. So we must leave it to its sinking, as all vanities will.

*My 2005 post on Carl Sagan:   Julie Andrews Was Right

Job 38 (New American Standard Bible):

Verse 4:
4 Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth?
Tell Me, if you have understanding,

Verses 32-36:
32"Can you lead forth a constellation in its season,
And guide the Bear with her satellites?
33"Do you know the ordinances of the heavens,
Or fix their rule over the earth?
34"Can you lift up your voice to the clouds,
So that an abundance of water will cover you?
35"Can you send forth lightnings that they may go
And say to you, 'Here we are'?
36"Who has put wisdom in the innermost being
Or given understanding to the mind?