Saturday, July 16, 2005

Arrived at Yellowstone NP

This post was sent from the mobile iPAQ xh2755 at SLC Internatinal on Saturday, July 16, 2005. 1631 hours.

Post completed at the Holiday Inn in Cody, WY., on Wed. July 13,2005.

Date: Monday, July 11, 2005. PM MDT.

The expedition spent the morning exploring the geography of the Teton's Cathedral Group.

We arrived at the Yellowstone National Park (YNP) at about 1130 hours this morning. The temperture at the Park at our arrival this morning was about 86°F / 30°C.

Along the parkway drive, we saw first hand the effect of the 1988 fire which had destroyed over 36% of the Park's forest. On the burnt out sections of the Park, succession ecology was evident.

With a mild winter and spring rain, wildflowers (e.g. Heartleaf Arnica, Sticky Geranium, Lupine, Harebell, Columbine) are in abundant display. Following several years of draughts in the state, this year's lush flora is a welcome relief and feast for the area fauna.

Along the shoreline of Lake Jackson, I took a picture of a lone Wyoming Paintbrush (state flower) against the backdrop of lupines and morning sun. A very good photo.

The expedition will be staying at the Old Faithful Inn this evening.