Saturday, August 13, 2022

Sweet Dreams and Drowsy Charms of Tender Night

Dear B___:

Life’s tapestry is constantly stitching and unstitching. We have our days of wine and roses along with days of bitterness and sorrow. Through it all, our friendship is more than words can expressed. It is beyond wealth, eyesight, space, and time.

Do you know your birthday on 14 August has only 0.27% probability? Therefore, it is very precious. So then, it is my prayer that you go softly all your years in sweet harmony.

Sing songs of motherly love to your children and grandchildren. May their soul chorded and vibrates in your sweetness and calmness. May they always remember and return to the bosom of your care and love on all your birthdays and then some.

In closing, on your birthday celebration today/tomorrow, during your quiet hours of rest, “sweet dreams and drowsy charms of tender night.”

