Thursday, December 17, 2020

Love Came Down One Night

Dear Visitor:

Surely, year 2020 is one annus horribilis. And yet, things come not by chance but from the Father, COVID-19 notwithstanding. As exemplified by the saints and sinners in the Bible, salvation and spiritual growth can come to His people through sickness and affliction. God's love never begins and never ends. He always sustains. Nevertheless, at this blog entry may all go well with you in the Lord, health as well as the soul.

The treasure of God’s wisdom and Word is for His people. Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection is God’s will and promise to save His own. The ultimate salvation is accomplished by Christ who “delivers us from the wrath to come,”1, and “reconcile to Himself all things.”2  Indeed, because of Christmas and later Christ’s victory over death, the redeemed can assuredly proclaim, “in Him we live and move and have our being.”3

For this Christmas and those that may later follow, let your soul magnify the Lord, and your spirit rejoice in God our Savior.

Grace, mercy, and peace be with you,


11 Thessalonians 1:10
2Colossians 1:20
3Acts 17:28