Sunday, January 26, 2014

Preparing for the End of Windows XP Support

For those of us who are still using the Windows XP platform, the days are numbered. This time it is for real. Come April, Microsoft will no longer provide supports and monthly security updates to this dated desktop/laptop operating system. This is fine by me. By and large, I am leaving much of the weighty computers tethered to the AC outlets and all things Windows PC.

Over the last few years, I have been amassing all variants of the Apple iOS devices. With one or more in each of iPod, iPhone, and iPad. With the exception of old iPods, all other iOS devices I have are retina display systems installed with iOS 7. The newest addition to my collection is the iPad Mini with Retina display.

All home-computing and Internet access can now be done on the iOS devices 98% of the time.

These devices are tasked to:

1. manage files - creating, renaming, moving, deleting files and folders. Zipping and unzipping (including .rar) files with password protection.

2. launch internal URL schemes - for essential app actions by function or app category.

3. serve as WebDav servers - on the home network. One of the 60 Gb iPods is designated as a primary WebDav servers.

4. by-pass iTunes syncing - books and music can be loaded directly into the iOS gadgets from the cloud. Correspondingly, files can be deleted on the devices with swipes.

5. accessing the cloud - for storing, viewing, sharing, and editing common productivity app extensions created using, say, free Microsoft Office 2010 suite, or the Apple Numbers and Pages that came with iPhone 5s and the mini iPad-Retina . Media files can now be streamed, shared, or downloaded to one or more iOS devices concurrently. PDF can be annotated, highlighted, and shared as well. Desktop iTunes syncing one device at a time is no longer needed or required.

Not quite as the fate befallen the Maytag Man, the XP systems are still being used to do three things, though not exclusively:

1) iTunes app backups (for faster restoration if the need should arise), and profile management,

2) in-depth account updates -as still are required by some firms to do on the computer- for profile, payment methods, labeling and filters management, and

3) tax preparation with deductions

Strategically, I am migrating away from the stodgy Microsoft products to Apple-ware. Windows operating systems of any sorts are not in plan. What has been accomplished thus far with the Apple mobile devices sets the stage for the second phase of the plan - Macs.

- a L'envoi iPad 3 post
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