Thursday, May 02, 2013

Garden Flowers of May 2013

2 May 2013 Photos: Home Garden Flowers

With the new HVAC installed, the place and furniture were still need of cleaning. A few days respite from the house scene was the thing to do. Besides, it was a good time to evaluate two modes of transportation and their noise effects on my tinnitus. Hence, a round-trip air passage to Huntington Beach, Orange County, was booked on the Southwest Airlines. From Santa Ana, business class fares purchased for a short round-trip Amtrak ride to San Juan Capistrano. I left on Friday, 29 April, and returned to the dust bowl the following Monday.

For noise reduction aids, I brought along some NNR 32 ear plugs and a Bose top-of-the-line QC3 headset. If I could handle the noises in these two "test-runs", my concerns would be allayed. I should be a happy camper when the Canadian Rockies expedition is scheduled later this month. As it turned out, the ear plugs were really all I needed when traveling by air to and from Orange County. As for the Amtrak round-trip between Santa Ana to San Juan Capistrano, the ear plugs worked fine as well.

A slide-video for this trip is posted on YouTube, "When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano." The referenced 5 May post for this YouTube is, "The Day You Promised to Come Back."