Saturday, August 14, 2010

Angry Birds Anonymous?

Angry Birds is the only paid game (only $0.99 USD!) I have installed on my iPod Touch 3G. I like it for its simple yet elegant play design. It has many thematic levels. The play concept and tactics do not vary at each level, however.

This game is easy on the mind and body (for some). No strain or stress of which to speak, mostly, (for some). It is a mobile device game well suited for the casual gamer during long waits at the airport or some other public queues (for some).

Playing Angry Birds is fun, and yet it is insidiously addictive. The latter is not at all a good thing if one is mired in this altered reality of living the life.

As I see it, the birds and the pigs in this app aren't going anywhere. They neither age nor die of starvation when being ignored. They are programmed to stay in character today, tomorrow, and the day after. Thus being obsessed with playing this game continually isn't worth the time.

Time does not stand still. It is not a game, nor can it be paused or rewound for a replay. Each of us has our own one-way hourglass allotted with varied amount of sand. For most, we choose how to expend this precious and physically irredeemable commodity for life's priorities. Playing Angry Birds is not essential for the pursuit of happiness.

So then, why irrationally or compulsively throwing away precious time to challenge a game, notwithstanding its enormous popularity. Moreover, why compound the time spent playing the game with the risk of stepping into the abyss of despair and destruction. i.e. Depression, anxiety, sleep and nutritional deprivations, social paranoia, and carpal tunnel syndrome. All these potential and real ailments for the sake of winning some virtual golden eggs? The cost doesn't even come close in justifying the ephemeral benefit.

We are already a society staked with many tents of self-helps. Let's hope an anonymous mutual support society or such is not ever needed to free one from a possible Angry Birds addiction.