Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Psalter for the Formation of the Soul

For three thousand yeas the Psalms have been the song book of the Jews and, for two thousand years, the song book of the universal Christian church. The Psalter is still very much the focal point in today's worship.

The Holly Taylor Coolman's eight-page article on The Psalter for the Formation of the Soul is far more articulate in thought and learned advocacy than my four-part blog discussion in 2005.

Coolman's embrace of the Psalms leads us back to the 4th B.C. Christian epistle, The Letters of St. Athanasius to Marcellinus on the Interpretation of the Psalms.

Our church is now doing a weekly review and introductory study of the Psalms, with the recording of Sir Laurence Olivier reading the biblical texts. Whether we are sad, joyful, surrounded by obstacles, lonely, or thankful, there is one or more Psalms from which God speaks to our mind and heart.