Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Psalms Part 1 of 4 - The Longest Running Musical

What is the longest running musical in the history of American theater?
Cats? The Phantom of the Opera?

The Fantastik. Forty-two years. Its last curtain call was in 2002. Those number of years is a life time for quite a few people in the world.
What is your point?

No matter how fantastic one's life is, or somewhere in between, it will all end some day. Only God's heavenly music lasts from here to infinity and beyond.
Okay, Buzz Lightyear, I'll bite.

Do you know the longest book in the Bible is also a musical?

The Book of Psalms. It comes from the Greek Psalmoi. It means "songs." Interestingly enough, no matter what language or translation one reads, this book is almost always quickly found by parting the Bible in the middle.
Let me see. So it is...

Bible scholars will tell us the hows and whys for the arrangement for the 66 books of the Bible. The serendipitously placement of the Psalms in the middle of the Scripture is God's way of telling His children to "cut to the chase." cut to the chase...?

The Psalms are the songs of our human emotions - the good, the bad, and the ugly. You name it, God blogged it. He is telling us in these songs who we are in our relationship with him 24/7.

In as far as our human heart yearns for comfort and safety, He says, read/sing Psalms 1 to 41. (e.g. Psalm 23)

In as far as our beings cry out for healing, assurance, and mercy in times of sickness and despair, He says, read/sing Psalms 42 to 72 (e.g. Psalm 46)

In as far as our wanting to be in close fellowship with Him, He says, read/sing Psalms 73 to 89 (e.g. Psalm 76)

In as far as our wandering heart and mind, our ups and downs, our transitory nature, He says, read/sing Psalms 90 to 106 (contrast Psalms 97 and 102)

In as far as we realize our helpless state relative to His omnipresence and omniscience, He says, read/sing Psalms 107 to 150. (e.g. Psalm 139)

I appreciate of your providing me an insightful and a much needed understanding on why God gives us -me- the Psalms. From now on, I shall read them with a thankful and prayful heart.

I have a sense already the Psalms are connected with music in worship. Tell me, then, your thoughts on this matter.